Monday, December 6, 2010

To Kawan Karib FyFy

yeah.. memang.. kitorang da macam adik bradik. i know i got sumtymes treat eu badly. when im on the phone with you. cause i love to disturb people. macam mane korng slalu kacaw fiiqo.. hahah kata teko lah. tikos lah.. hahha.. lagy2 kene kacau dgn fyfy and ur kakak sedara. hahah.. its was fun. but i dont know whye. i couldnt live with my other siblings. but i dont care. as i love being and staying alone for the past three years. i know i had done wrong to my parents. to fyfy, yeah i hope fiiqo and fyfy akan dapat lahh kekal as kawan karib or now as adik bradeq.. haha. i still cannot forget how the first time i get to know you. fiiqo kacau fyfy about ur internet kan.. by saying that your internet is lousy, then eu started being angry with me. scolding me and not wanting to chat with me. then i didnt know what to do. i kept on pastering you. by saying that i am really am sorry..
by then you forgive me, we are known as kawan karib. hahha.. we share the momentom together. hahha.. if you are free,
please do meet me. in Singapore ohkay. Not in Malaysia.. hahah.. just joking lor.. fiiqo where got passport. or money to meet you. go overseas..
Love ya,
Fiiqo Barney 1989