Tuesday, December 7, 2010


heyloo my dearest dears out derr ,, hw r yuh guys out der ? hmm well as fer me iim fiine ,, hehex.. now sitting outside the house slacking rmaii2 dgn my aunt n my sedare n my mummy n adq sume .. hehex... while slacking ... nga chat ngn mirrul (fiko) hmm.. whye i call hym mirrul ? well.. hys name is amirrul actually .. bt he liike ppl to call hym fiko... and! idnt like iit.. after ii get to know hys real name ,, ii start to call hym mirrul .. 4 me it is more bttr fer hym 2 use hys name mirrul.. frankly speaking ,, ii hate it when he use fiko... ii love iit when he uses mirrul ,, hmm.. well ,, idk lurh eyh... suits hym lurh ,, nanarq paksee2 lurh ,, hmm ,, lantarq dyer nk pkaii name ape ,, hmm.. bt fer me.. if cn ii want hym 2 use MIRRUL.. more bttr .. haiish.. hahax.. well. im here soo boreed.. hmm.. k lurh.. nk chat ngn my hunney bunney lurh.. mirrul!! lets chat...

~FyFy PamPereD~