Monday, December 20, 2010

doctor say..

yesterday, went to see doctor again. cause sick is getting worst.
first when into the polyclinic at jurg east, then take q num. i tell my friends. i forgot to take ic..
how uhk..? then see the machine.. can type ic num can already.. wait for num.. then my num was called..
the kakak kat counter tuhh.. cam nak flirt2 gn ii plak.. tnye mcm2 question la.. num hp.. tgl mane. then ktrg bbl lahh.. then go outside wait.. for doc..
as it was late, we went out to go and smoke. and my friends bought gum all..
i didnt take cause, it was damn mepek.. so i kept quite and smoke all.. then saw some of my JSS junior at kedai kopi. then smile only lor.. 250pm, went in to the clinic. then went my num was called.
i and 2 of my friends. went all in together till the doc was shocked and angry.. put the icecreaam stick hard sia..
fuck lahh.. but after that we make noise all.. disturb people and came a police.
we also shout2.. then it time to make an appointment..
i wait for my num and when it was called.
a beautiful women, like scared me see sia..
cause idk what to do. i tell her, tk bawak duet tau.. narie tknk buat pape tau..
then she look at me. i also fast2 talk the paper and went off to go to my friends...
doctor said i kena infection. fri on 24 must go with mummy lor