Tuesday, December 28, 2010

sabar lahh

hahha.. fyfy...
semua yang kitorng lalui is kan.. kehendak di atas sana. 'Allah.' kene lahh bersyukur pada yang esa..
at least fyfy ada adik bradek. fiiqo satu pon tkde. dulu ada fiiqo asik gado2 jek lah. tak lehh kene sikit. kalw dorng kacao fiiqo jek. kene sebat. even my parents tklehh control me. they will only call police..
tapi last yr after i kena beaten by two stranger. fuck i know who asked them to, but i had stopped playing gangster already. cause, i know that ini semua time lambat.
ape orng nak cakap pasal fiiqo. fiiqo tak pasal lah.. cause, i had sat in lockup. play shirt and even been beaten alot of times. until i when into hospital then i realised and laugh at myself. whye in the first place i been joining gangster.
anw having peace here. waiting for ite results. hopefully, can mit fyfy soon. or be in the same ite course or campus lor..
cause i want to mit and take care of her..

fiiqo and fyfy ... jiwa selalu bersama..
seandainya berpisah.. ialah waktu kitorng tiada..
but ..... nehh stay strong people