Monday, December 6, 2010

Ku Kehilangan Segala Nya

Let me tell you something about love.?? I had once felt so happy in a relationship. I had never once believe in love. Cause all i know is love is about being with someone that you really love. After so many years, i been heartbroken and after knowring different girls. Who make fun of my love. But its ohkay, its just a lesson to me. As that time, i didnt know too. People asking for stead to me. And i just accept lor. But i can only feet the pain after being treated badly. As so many people i stead with, i also cannot find the real love. Until i know a girls named, "Dayah'. We know each other thru her cousin. Who passed her num to me. Cause she said, Dayah is finding a guy. To be with.. So i agreed to msg2 with her. That time, i was also working at KFC at taman jurg near SuperBowl. Everynight, after i finished working. We would always talk on the phone. As she slept late, waiting for me. To reach home safely. But when sumtimes, she didnt called me. I felt so damn lonely. i know her during june holidays 2008. Till the months of after hari raya. Met her, then we lost contact. After a few weeks.. I tried to find her and mit her. But i couldnt.. Until now, when i saw her with other guy. Im felt proud and happy. Cause she had forgetten me.. But the memories i remember about her is that. She would always called me and informed me. When she's busy. She just wont stopped. Calling me. How i hope she would come back for me..