Friday, December 10, 2010

i treasure her

after long knowing a girl named fyfy. i treasure her so much. until my secrets, i kept on telling to her. cause i promise not to keep my promise to a person that i trust most. she is the person that light my days. each and everyday. without her. my mind is gone. i lost everything. she changed my life and make me moved on. eventhough, i still had  to wait for my case to be handle at court. dont know when. she create for me. this blog. althought, its different from people. as no music and chatbox. i dun know how to update and do blog. all i know is, writing about my life. so i am thanking her for this.i would like to take good care of her. since now, i am sick. doctor said, that i would not get well soon. but i must not keep it a secret. i couldnt keep anything to her. cause i know her well.. Mirrul sayangkan Fyfy. but mirrul akan pergi. berusaha untuk memulihkan hati ini. and kesakitan yang selama ini mirrul alami
Mama dan abah tak pernah pedulikan Mirrul. Dorang pentingkan duit mirrul saje. like ayah kata, mirrul ayah nak perlukan duit. so he asked me to and worked.!! wtf!! i am not the son. cause i am the last son.
so it is not my duty to find work. as i am still schling. i dun wanna go work. cause, i still on pending court kes. my father dont know. cause i wont tell him. mama tak kasi beritahu. cause, tkt dia berhenti kerja.
tapi pape pon. aku berjanji, akan solve this matter alone la. cause, aku tknk korng merana tanpa aku.
Aku nye kesalahan means aku nye pasal lah..!! dun nid to help me. if eu dun willing to do!!