Thursday, December 30, 2010


wahhh.. why can be like this sia. this morning.. i checked my ite results. they give me campus at yishun. courses. new one, semiconductors. walao wey.. where can like that one. i applied early sia. and i know alot of courses is at choa chu kang ite sia.. fuck eu lahh..
but no matter what. i still have to go.. ite lah.. cause, its bring my own future. i dun wana be left alone. be it long ways. i still hope i can do better lor..

as for my syg, fyfy.. after hearing that she didnt get the course. i felt said. cause, i really wanna mit her asap.
cause i do miss her. although she likes sumone else. like so, i am not perfect what. heck care la.
only god can judge me what...
hehhe.. fiiqo selalu ingatkan fyfy.. kalw nanti fyfy da masok ite. jgn lupe update tau.. cause, nanti kitorg lehh jumpe and jalan2.. ke lepak always after school.. hehehs. hopefully when eu applied. sama campus as me lahh.. ite central(yishun).. wahh.. cannot tahan lahh...

i need to rest. as i am still wanna go work too..finding money. to help me and those who in needs.
fiiqo suke menolong orang mahh.. eventhough i dun like using money alot. i will keep it..
and i will treasure. and collect it till many2.. i dun wanna lose hope on money.. but i will try to control my daly expenses..

k lor toddles,
fiiqo barney 1989