Monday, December 13, 2010

My Friends

my friends just gave me song title. 'rintihan hati' and 'saat terindah'. i got no idea and inspiration now. cause i am damn tired. hopefully, when i finished and sleep. i can get the inspiration. hahaha.. i do wish to write more lyrics. but its takes time. hopefully, i can sings and record it to utube or put in fb. i hate people seeing it. so it better be private. now i am waiting for my bro.. cause my guitar had not been tuned and the 6st strings couldnt go in.. as the hole is too small. i tried using much force also couldnt. hopefully, my friends will help me. 'rintahan hati'.. the title sound like a sad story. like is going to cry after losing a person. he want that girls so much. i think so. 'saat terindah'. this one confirm la i know. cause, its a simple words. haish, i can get some of the inspiration already. but i am lazy to write it now. cause i am feeling tired and restless. hopefully by tomorrow or wed can settled already lor..
its fun for me. suddenly, i became to like writing a lyrics. last year, a friends of mine. asked me to wrote. but it turned out. to be worst. cause i couldnt think of anything. so i gave her any lyrics. i love the songs 'memori bersama'