Tuesday, December 28, 2010

thanks Eyqa

hahah.. thnks eyqa..
sowie lahh.. fiiqo tau tulis jek..
kalw pasal update niek smue. fiiqo mane pandai. although i dun know. i hope eu all can teached me...thanks for updating for me.. haha. kalw ada link2 or pape.. fiiqo asked eyqa and fyfy ohkay.. and as for eyqa. sorry for troubling eu .. finding a nice blogskin for me yesterday and todays. simple blogskin da lehh.. cause, fiiqo mane perfect. fiiqo cume write then tengok2 jek ape orng tulis.
as for fyfy. i hope kitorg akan tetap share the blog and keep in touch together. cause, i will be there to take good care of eu. if you ada hal. just call me. although my kes lom abes. i will still help you want la.
and i dun mean help onie. but care for ue to....

fiiqo barney