Monday, December 6, 2010

Talking about Love.. Hmmm

hey ppl.. hmm my beluved besties iis talking bout LOVE! hmm .. well.. he is hurt by the gerl name Dayah as ii wad ii noe ... hmm well.. idk lurh ppl... whye some ppl liike to hurt others.... haiish.. if other ppl hurt them.. whad will they feel ? ii really dnt noe whye this type of ppl still have this type of attitude... hmm... soo kechiioohh... ppl hurt me many tymes.. hmm.. psl ape tau.. psl slalu aku bnyk saket kn atii drg sume... now aku kene aleq.. hmm... aku da tau mcm mane rase nye dipermainkan... kechiian aku tengok fiko.... hmm naseb lurh aku ade .. kdg dyer ngadu kt aku jgk psl dyer ade prob lurh this n dhet.. hmm.. ciian jgk tgk.. hmm.. but as a fren.. we shud support hym n advice hym..... ii really love all my frens... hmm...haviing a fren liike fiko is great.. yuh guys wanna noee whye ? hmm... well... he is a special fren to me bcs.. he treat me well.. he understand me... hmm.. kite da mcm adq bradeq pn ade ii tell yuh hahax.. well.. same age lurh.. cnnt salah kn.. hmmm.. ii really hope fiko geet a gerl that will love hym more than they love them self.. n can take gd care of fiko.. ii really hope soo yuh noe.. hmm... iif he is in luv oweady.. ii also hope dyer tkkn lupe aku as kwn dyer... and aku harap pmpn dyer tkkn saket kn atii dyer.. iif he complaint 2 me anything hmm ciiap luurh org 2... mestii kene,... hahax... liike fierce only. hahax.. well... ii just dnt 1 anyone 2 hurt my BESTIES... FIKOBARNEY....
ok lurh.. nk cambong chatting....