Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I will Make Sure tHat we last forever

hahhax. from what i read on your post, i think i am not that kind of person. who love being attention seeker.
sorry uhk, mirrul da matured la. da tk main niek smue uhk. buat-buat cerita semua ohkay. i am not a pompan lah. i am truthful guy who love helping people. walaupon dulu mirrul gangster. i still help my friends. cause i know gangster meant nothing to me. i started joining because i was force to. from there, we learnt to learn boxing. everytime, i saw my enemy, i was always asked for fight. 2yrs, mirrul kene pukul semua. but pikir-pikir balik. masok baju or design is nothing. korang takkan dapat pape. dorang akan waste duit korang aje. takkan pernah tolong kau. kalau kau tolong dia pon. dia akan mintak kau bayar duit tambang teksi. until when now. i get to know a girl named fyfy. i can still remember how i get to know her. i was at imesh or bearshare music playlist. then i saw her profile. i added her. then from there we know each other. suddenly, i was irritated because she on off her imesh. then i asked la. ur connection sucks. she was damn angry la. then i said buhbye la. i apologised all and wanting to be friends. then she said can. i know her well. everytyme i make her angry. she wont gvup on me. she would gv me chance. i am so proud to have a friends like eu. fyfy. and mirrul akan make this brader and sister treatment last forever. hopefullu, can meet you soon. mirrul pnya orng is friendly, tak suke gado-gado and tak pasal takde kawan kat skola or luar. be independent more fun. kawan boleh cari ape. bukan nye susah.
Mirrul akan tetap bersama FyFy 2010.
i dun want to lose eu. like i lose dayah. my favorite one in a million ex.
harap-harap fyfy pon pikir gitu lahh