Thursday, December 30, 2010

wanna changee...

after ii talk to my dear ttm ... ii start to reflect on myself.... knape prangaii aquh gniee mcm .. haiish... idk lurh qhan ... haiish.. its liiqe out of a sudden ii try 2 thinq about all this things... iits liqe hw taw... tbe2 narq brubah.. iif yuq try to reflect bck on whad yuq did qhan ... yuq feel liiqe yuq wanna change ur life style now.. haiish ii really regret on whad ii did last tiime haiish.... whye must we act liiqe det .. as in fight here n der.. its liike no use kn hmmm .... nvmd lurh k lurh me wanna rest.. haiish bye!!

~fyfy pampered~

ended case

just now reached clementi hq. around 140pm.. then asked the counter. to meet jayson(io)..
he asked me to call. i called and jayson picked up. i told him. sir, i am at clementi station already. he asked me where am i? at the bail room? then i said lah. no sir, at the waiting area.. around 150pm. he walked in. and no less then a seconds. he called my name. i had to bring my mum(bailer). cause, i dun know what will happened. then jayson went to a room. to take my case files.. register everythng. then mit his boss.. i had to standup while my mum(bailer). sat down.. i listened to what they said. i promised not to do again. cause there are no second chance. they will only give me court letter. to go up n down court for as long as they wanted.
now i get the warning letter. i had to be careful..

i will not hear what people will said or making fun of me. as i had enuf of making cases.
hopefully when going to ite. there will be new friends. and not making new enemies. cause i dun liked lah..
i know studying is making me better,  i will try hard to go higher nitec lor..


wahhh.. why can be like this sia. this morning.. i checked my ite results. they give me campus at yishun. courses. new one, semiconductors. walao wey.. where can like that one. i applied early sia. and i know alot of courses is at choa chu kang ite sia.. fuck eu lahh..
but no matter what. i still have to go.. ite lah.. cause, its bring my own future. i dun wana be left alone. be it long ways. i still hope i can do better lor..

as for my syg, fyfy.. after hearing that she didnt get the course. i felt said. cause, i really wanna mit her asap.
cause i do miss her. although she likes sumone else. like so, i am not perfect what. heck care la.
only god can judge me what...
hehhe.. fiiqo selalu ingatkan fyfy.. kalw nanti fyfy da masok ite. jgn lupe update tau.. cause, nanti kitorg lehh jumpe and jalan2.. ke lepak always after school.. hehehs. hopefully when eu applied. sama campus as me lahh.. ite central(yishun).. wahh.. cannot tahan lahh...

i need to rest. as i am still wanna go work too..finding money. to help me and those who in needs.
fiiqo suke menolong orang mahh.. eventhough i dun like using money alot. i will keep it..
and i will treasure. and collect it till many2.. i dun wanna lose hope on money.. but i will try to control my daly expenses..

k lor toddles,
fiiqo barney 1989

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i am trying .....

i am trying to changed my life style...
or should i said.. changed to be a better person.. i am scared that if i go in ite. there will be fighting again.
i dun wana get caught or arrested. i had enuf of giving problems. i dun wana join gangster all..
i love her, fyfy. i hope we can be in the same ite lor. although in different course. i know i can make it. without old friends. i am going to a new sch. and i would like to make new friends.

yeah. today is my police report. after so long. they called me again. yesterday at 615pm. i thought i was my friends. kept thinking about it after hunging up the phone.. i hope today is nothing lah. cause my officer told me yest. that i will get an warning letter and sentenced. to be report with my bailer(mom).. she is the one who is there for me..

and lastly, i would like to thanks people out there who had support me during this matter of times.
when im in need and get into troubles.

fiiqo will always be there to help eu out ...
deeds must be returned..


hmm soo damn worried bout mirrul lurh hmm ...  well.. esk dyer kene p report kt IO dyer pkl 2p.m hmm tkt xiaq paperq jadiiq pt dyerq .. hmm

shyg.... ii really tarq narq yuq go iin ... hmm .. ii really shyg yuq tau tarq.. haiish.. plss lurh shyg .. hmmm k lurh end here je lurh narq p chat ngn my shyg mirrul

what a life

after so long...
my first report is on 12november... it was nthg actually..
but had to report early at 10am...
first time go in and sat. so early come. until dun know what to do.. slacking at coffeshop with mum(bailer)
and eat sandwiches..
around 940am. when in.. then they didnt said anything..
1005am. called my name. go in to a room. to sign a bail letter.. then can go home..

then 19nov..
come again. reached arnd 945.
then sat in the police hq.. slacking also. shivering cause.. my io was there.. he looked at me. as i was going to the toilet. urining.. hehhe.. then come out. sat for awhile. they called my name. sign again.. bail letter.
but collected arnd 2pm.. b4 6pm.. fuck like dog. cause they dont know who will sign that letter.
then arnd 2+ i reached the hq.. take the letter... and they said no nid come anymore.. but wait for my io to call me.. cause still pending case..

just now on 29dec..
at 615pm.. received a called from my io. i was the one who pick up. cause my mum num is now mines.
cause she doesnt have a dual sim card to place in. i pickup and talk.. then he said. its this m****L.. i said yes. he told me that tmr i need to come and report.
then i asked what time.. he havent say finish.. i told him. morning cannot.. arnd 1pm can? he said 2pm. then i said can lahh.. he asked me to find him. his name is jayson. he is a kind person. told me not wear and wear what to go there. cause, im gg to be sentenced..
and getting a warning letter.. i said anything called ur number can? he said yes. if cannot find. call that nu,,
then i said thanks you.
and hung up!

waiting for tmorow decision..
what will he do to me..
peace fiiqo 1989

iim really touched

walaupon kita berjauhan...
niat di hati tetap
masih ikhlas untuk bercinta..
kebelakangan ini.. suare mu selalu ku terdengar2.. bagai kan bisikan sesuatu..
kini ku sedari.. bawah tiada insan lain..
dapat menggantikan mu..
ingin ku katakan. tapi tak guna.
cinta kita sudah tiada... aku seperti bunga mawar yang layu

i miss you... i miss you...when will you come back...i am starting to pray for you to hear my heart..crying... its the painful things that i have not felt before. omg!! whye am i crying now..? cause i love you.. that's whye..? i want eu to know. that someones is you

fiiqo gave me this ... hmm soo sweet of hym lurh shey .. hmm .. well.. haiish.... he so damn sweet.. ii really hope 2 meet hym soon shey haiish...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

thanks Eyqa

hahah.. thnks eyqa..
sowie lahh.. fiiqo tau tulis jek..
kalw pasal update niek smue. fiiqo mane pandai. although i dun know. i hope eu all can teached me...thanks for updating for me.. haha. kalw ada link2 or pape.. fiiqo asked eyqa and fyfy ohkay.. and as for eyqa. sorry for troubling eu .. finding a nice blogskin for me yesterday and todays. simple blogskin da lehh.. cause, fiiqo mane perfect. fiiqo cume write then tengok2 jek ape orng tulis.
as for fyfy. i hope kitorg akan tetap share the blog and keep in touch together. cause, i will be there to take good care of eu. if you ada hal. just call me. although my kes lom abes. i will still help you want la.
and i dun mean help onie. but care for ue to....

fiiqo barney

sabar lahh

hahha.. fyfy...
semua yang kitorng lalui is kan.. kehendak di atas sana. 'Allah.' kene lahh bersyukur pada yang esa..
at least fyfy ada adik bradek. fiiqo satu pon tkde. dulu ada fiiqo asik gado2 jek lah. tak lehh kene sikit. kalw dorng kacao fiiqo jek. kene sebat. even my parents tklehh control me. they will only call police..
tapi last yr after i kena beaten by two stranger. fuck i know who asked them to, but i had stopped playing gangster already. cause, i know that ini semua time lambat.
ape orng nak cakap pasal fiiqo. fiiqo tak pasal lah.. cause, i had sat in lockup. play shirt and even been beaten alot of times. until i when into hospital then i realised and laugh at myself. whye in the first place i been joining gangster.
anw having peace here. waiting for ite results. hopefully, can mit fyfy soon. or be in the same ite course or campus lor..
cause i want to mit and take care of her..

fiiqo and fyfy ... jiwa selalu bersama..
seandainya berpisah.. ialah waktu kitorng tiada..
but ..... nehh stay strong people

so bored!

hmm ... bored at home.. oh yea,, btw 2 atiqaaaah tupaii .. i dnt miind yuq share2/ update blog nyh ... hahax.. vz me n fiiqo tarq slalu update jgq.. hehex.. ... well... iim fyfy btw ... hmm ... 

bored xiia.. tdy stay at home all e way liiqe always .. hmm ... nga pkran aderq r .. hmm ITE comiing.. hmm ngn my adq2 lagii mcm siial r ... sme keje ... tarq de org jge my adq2... sme menghrp kn kt aqu... kiimaq!! abeyh lau aqu da skola ... kene attchedment.. aqu tarq tau eyh... qhaw jge ank qhaw sendiri arh!!! sial r..... sme masalah mpk kt aqu ... lau tarq tau narq jge ank .. tarq ya uat ank laenn kaliie .. hmmm .... siiak r... sort siaq kpalee otarq aquh .. arhh!!!! biinget sk!! ddk umh pn otarq sort .. kiiwaqq... sme ske nahh nyusah qhan aquh .. asl aquh tarq mmps trs.. bttr fer krrg siiak!! sdh r!! sorrt siiall

Hi, friend of Barney here. I'm Tupai. ;D

` well , hello there reader's of Fiko's blog.
as you can see, obviously this is not Fiko, right? haha. let me just introduce myself eh ehh, i'm Atiqaaaaaaaaah! a cyber friend of Fiko's. he asked me to update for him, as he's lazy to do so. ahha.
oh ohh, Fiko asked me to help him changed his skin, and so i changed to this.
this is just a temporary one, as i'm in a hurry to go out now. so yeahh, hope Fiko dont mind this not so aweso skin of his.


so yeaah, before i start making this blog as if it's mine, i think i shoud end here, uhkay? :D
oh yeaaaaaaah~ heard that this is a shared blog with Fiko's friend. i hope she dont mind i update this for Fiko. hehe.

alright then, byebye, takecare MWARH! ;D
link or view my blog eh! ;D

Monday, December 27, 2010

after so long..

last fri met the doctor.. appointment..
waited like stupid people.. cause, i dun know what to do. as i was late.
then luckily i with my mum.. so i followed her...
a kind and gentleman policeman.. was liked helping me. luckily i wasnt late..
then wait outside blood test.. to take blood..
and went to wait outside room 28.. my left hands still in pain.. i couldnt moved til now.. i dun know whye. maeb when they take. the doctor was slapping my left hands. its hurts alot.. as my numbered was called.
room 28
i saw the same doc.. he called me dear..
hahah.. we r like friends.. i asked hym to recommend me that time the bottle of medicine that is for guggle...
he and me are friendly.. then i asked. got infection.. he said dun have..
luckily lor.. we home.. feeling in pain in the left hands.. couldnt moved alot.. cause, i was restless..

just eat sushi

yesterday, mummy bought me a packet of sushi...
then i got no tyme to eat cause i was outside lepak-ing with my friends..
then around 11pm.. then went home lor..
reached home.. everything was in a dark.. luckily, i brought my keys. if not knocking the door also people wont hear... the went in the house.. all was silent..
hear radio to wait for mj12... but there wasnt any.. so decided to sleep...

just now ate the sushi, cause mummy told me. you know how to eat..
then i said, yes! i was like it having since i entered secondary sch.. i learnt it from my friends. who loved sushi alot. until they asked me to try one. i was damn delighted on how the taste felt..
so i started buying again and again..
but jus now, i go and put the wasabi sauce. my tongue was burnt like a fire..
i quickly drank a plenty of plain water... then i went to my bedroom.. *leave the sushi there*.
heard mum shouted my name, i went out. asked whye?? she said, she go and cook the sushi in the oven,
i told her. that's not nice. asked her to taste first. she tasted.
i eat lahh.. but the wasabi was there on the sushi. but had to finish it..
later at 420pm. must eat medicine then can eat again lor....

thanks so much.,,,
love ya people...(fiiqo)

im bck ppl!!!

hey ppl .. sorry fer keeping this blog unupdated by me.. hmm... well been bz lurh guys . hmm well.. iim here to talk about hw me n mirrul doiing nw.. well.. we are still frens.... hmm... bt now hys attched lurh hahaax.. detz diff avout us hahax... hmm ... well.. ii hope he cn last long with the gerl he love. hahax.. let hym be lurh hahax .. iim just happy fer hym... hmm as fer me.. now single but not available.. im currently waiting fer sometone 2 enter my life... and give me hys full love.... hmm... well ii really miss hym siia... hys out to t.p ... hmm... well.. may be iim gg 2 meet hym soon as iim taking bck my camera frm hym ... hmm ... well.. about my life now.. im fine (nort det fine still sick) hmm yesterday just meet my bloody liar ex .. hmmm well whad 2 do lurh kn windu nye hal... hmmm jmpe slack together r.. hahax.. owh well hmmm... ape lagii nk update eyh .. hmmm... well ... ii currently cntct with some of my beluved ex.. hmm kk stop iit with the ex thingy ... irritating kn ii noe.. hahx... well... ppl... listen up here.. iif yuh do noe my life story.. will yuh call me a cheap gerl or a slut ? hmm... ntah lurh eyh... ii really dnt care at all.. whad ii noe iis.. ii onliie luv 1 guy... n im waiting fer hym ... dets all.. hmm,.. well ... others hu are waiting fer me ? det 1 idk at all ok! cz they nvr said anything 2 me or express their feelings to me .. soo.. just bet iit.. hmmm.... well.. ok lurh gtg now.. nk rest r.. pnt darii smlm tk finish lag..... BYE!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

thanks you soo much

seeing you with some other guy. make me sad anyway. but seeing you happily with guy. make me more delighted because all i ever wanted to wish. is you being with the guy. i hope that guy is the replacement for me. i know i had never once wanna changed to a better person. cause life for me is troublemaker. everywhere i go, people seems like making fault with me. that whye, kalw boleh i wanna be the person that never once changed. i dun want to join gangster. but i want to make a couple feel proud and lastlong to their boifie and galfie. i know i had never once said this, i just want to say. i love you to people that long know me.

peace: fiiqo

Monday, December 20, 2010

doctor say..

yesterday, went to see doctor again. cause sick is getting worst.
first when into the polyclinic at jurg east, then take q num. i tell my friends. i forgot to take ic..
how uhk..? then see the machine.. can type ic num can already.. wait for num.. then my num was called..
the kakak kat counter tuhh.. cam nak flirt2 gn ii plak.. tnye mcm2 question la.. num hp.. tgl mane. then ktrg bbl lahh.. then go outside wait.. for doc..
as it was late, we went out to go and smoke. and my friends bought gum all..
i didnt take cause, it was damn mepek.. so i kept quite and smoke all.. then saw some of my JSS junior at kedai kopi. then smile only lor.. 250pm, went in to the clinic. then went my num was called.
i and 2 of my friends. went all in together till the doc was shocked and angry.. put the icecreaam stick hard sia..
fuck lahh.. but after that we make noise all.. disturb people and came a police.
we also shout2.. then it time to make an appointment..
i wait for my num and when it was called.
a beautiful women, like scared me see sia..
cause idk what to do. i tell her, tk bawak duet tau.. narie tknk buat pape tau..
then she look at me. i also fast2 talk the paper and went off to go to my friends...
doctor said i kena infection. fri on 24 must go with mummy lor

maafkan aku..

lagu bertajuk 'saat terindah' lom dapat aku ciptakan untuk dirimu.
kerana aku lemah. hari demi hari.. aku sukar untuk jalan and keluar.
tapi aku harap, aku dapat kurniakan kau.
lagu itu as soon as possible.
kerana aku telah berjanji dgn aku.. so aku kene lahh buat, kalaw setengah jalan..
aku tak dapat tulis, aku harap kau. dapat lahh sambong kan.. kerana hati ku sangat lemah..
impian aku lom kesempaian.. lagu ku, ku malu untuk rekod lah..
nanti kalw da kuar, aku akan nyanyi untukmu sayang..

k lor. toddles..
da lama tak updates blog..
peace, fiiqo barney..

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sad day fer me..

damn sad rhyte now.. really nort in the mood . haiish... 2 thing came across me that make me sad yesterday..
1st thing 1st.. my result is damn bad.. this is all bcs of my attitude nort coming 2 sch.. hmm... another thing is ..
its all about....... haiish.. my beluvrd besties... mirrul.... ii get a msg sayiing that.. he had passed awae ='(
omg!! whad a shoking news.. haiish....ii really love hym shey.. hmm ii nvr tell hym how much ii love hym.. and its like more than a fren .. hmm.. i dnt noe if he tricked me this tyme.. haiish,... i really dnt noe r..
mirrul if yuh r reading this. pls dnt play around with me... fyi.. im now sick.. dnt make me damn worried... plss 
and plss cntct me n tell me that this is all a liie.. hmmmm

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fuck Life

kimak ape? life aku da sotsot... kalw buat lagik kes.. terus aku masok..
and here my friends bestie syg, fyfy.. nak jadi wild, nak tngk ape?
fyko jadi gngsta alek. make the same old case lor. and i will make sure, korng takkan nmpk aku diluar lagik pon. if da kuar pon. aku tkkn bilang korang pnya uhk.
cause, korang tknk berubah kan..
aku takkan sepak pmpn ehk. tak pernah!

quarrel agaiin

hmm ... quarrel with mirrul .. hmm .. well.. tkpe lurh .. may be he is stress out bout something... hmmm .. he will be okey tomorrow.. haiish.. worried bout hym siia.. haiish tkpe lurh .. whad ii need is patient with hym... ii MUST always be rhyte by hys side.. soo when he gt any problem. he cn share it with me.. kire kn mcm aku lurh tmpt dyer mengadu naseb.. haiish ciian jgk tgk dyer.. haish... walau pn kiite gdh kn... aku tetap bersabar...  hmm..... aku nyh seorg kwn yg tk begune kdg.. hmm .. bt... kalau krg tgk betol2...  aku actually a sensitive person 2 psl aku giitu ... hmm nyh mirrul pn quite sensitive jgk.. hmm tkpe2.. pelan2 nnt aku pujok dyer lurh haiishh

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

bangon pagy jek.. kept on hiccup-ing..
fuck lahh.. till now, then vomit all kahak kuar.
siak uhk. irritating lahh.. bila berbual, ohkay sey..
bila diam. start alek. da makan obat, lambat pulak tuhh.. then makan lor..

hahhahaha.. nothing more to say

yesterday, i dreamt of you. i felt near to you. when i wokeup. it was a dream. i hope, i can be with you.
being wth you. was the best hope for me to move on my life. i tried to forget you. but all i kept thinking is all you. i know, it sound weird. but what can i say, you are the one in my life. every step that you take, its the ways of our love journey. i dont want that step to walk far away from me. i cried all night, its shows that i want to be with you. only you can bring the happiness. as the days past by, i felt that the love with you. had grow. so i think, i can only love you. if people thinking of wanting to be with me. i would say "NO". cause i had enuf of being hurt..

Tk baeq shey hunney




i want


soo jeles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me jeles...!! mirrul ade pooh.. hmmm ...

jeles nye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

hehex... hmm tkpe lurh ade money nnt cn buy r.. 

buy BIG 1 hmmm.. 

mirrul ! ltr ii buy big 1 nanarq buy fer mirrul!! 

hehe.. da lurh ... 

mjk ngn mirrul.. hahax.. sort sk aku! hahax.. .

Monday, December 13, 2010


OH TIDAK!!!!!! iim nort ready to take my N level result siia.. tkt faiil je.. hmm ... nvmd lurh.. pelan2 2 overcome that feelings r.. hmm ... now iim damn worried bout mirrul as he is sick .. hmm ... ii really dnt now hw cn ii help hym with hys illness .. haiish .. if only ii cn help.. definately ii will help haiish ..... dmn fcking worried bout hym..... futher more he say det the doctor said he have dengue ... WALIIAW!! jgn mepeq siiol.. ak shyg kn mirrul sk .. hmm tapi ak da ade yg punye... soo cnnt .. hmmm ssh lurh ginie mcm .. haiish .... nvmd lurh ... Allah yg akn menentu kn .... kite hanye blh merancang je .. haiish.. da urh,....
btw this is all ii wanna update.. tibe2 no mood r nk p update blog..urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!1 frustrated siia..!!

My Friends

my friends just gave me song title. 'rintihan hati' and 'saat terindah'. i got no idea and inspiration now. cause i am damn tired. hopefully, when i finished and sleep. i can get the inspiration. hahaha.. i do wish to write more lyrics. but its takes time. hopefully, i can sings and record it to utube or put in fb. i hate people seeing it. so it better be private. now i am waiting for my bro.. cause my guitar had not been tuned and the 6st strings couldnt go in.. as the hole is too small. i tried using much force also couldnt. hopefully, my friends will help me. 'rintahan hati'.. the title sound like a sad story. like is going to cry after losing a person. he want that girls so much. i think so. 'saat terindah'. this one confirm la i know. cause, its a simple words. haish, i can get some of the inspiration already. but i am lazy to write it now. cause i am feeling tired and restless. hopefully by tomorrow or wed can settled already lor..
its fun for me. suddenly, i became to like writing a lyrics. last year, a friends of mine. asked me to wrote. but it turned out. to be worst. cause i couldnt think of anything. so i gave her any lyrics. i love the songs 'memori bersama'

Sunday, December 12, 2010

im soo touched!!

  •  ku impikan seorang bidadari..
 untuk menemai malam tidur ku
 aku mencari-cari
 dan tiba-tiba terlihat..
 cahaya putih bersinar...
 aku pergi dan cuba bertanya..
 tetapi cahaya itu bertukar...
 menjadi seorang gadis yang bernama


  •  pabila kau. telah menerima ku..
hati kini merasa gmebira..
 ingin ku kata..
 tapi ku takot, kau tak sudi..
 setiap kata-kata ku.
 amat berharga.. ini membawa suci
 untuk cinta kita..
 sayang, di malam ini..
 ku  ingin melafazkan kata-kata cinta
 yang selama ini pendam dalam hati..
 tetapi sukar nya untuk aku luahkan
 kerana kau bukan milik ku
hanya bayang2 mu dan cahaya lampu itu
 memberi ku teruskan hidup

nyh sume mirrul kasi kt aku.. iim soo damn touched with l this words.. but shud ii fall 4 iit ... hmm .......idk luh.. tkt tekene lagi r .. hmm.... nvmd lurh try 2 accept iit.. hehex.. hahax... hmm 
k lurh nk sambong chat ngn my chyg mirrul..

aku ingin kebenaran

aku ingin kebenaran dari mu shyg .. hmm ... mengapa selama ini kaw tidak tunjok kn yg kau benar2 shyg kn diriku shyg ... hmm.. sekarang ak ingin tahu adakah kami betul2 shyg kn diriku ... ?? sedang kn ku tahu aku nyh bkn gadis pilihan mu ? hmm.. shyg .. tolong lurh jujur kepadaku .. hmm .. jgn lurh kaw siksa ku bergini .. hmm .. ..

shyg... sekarang aku da tau ape yg kaw simpan dlm hati kaw tentang ku.. hmm cume aku skrg nk tau sjak bile kaw suke kn aku hmm ... nape lurh kaw tk pernah bilang aku tentang ny sume sejak dulu .. kn da melepas. hmmm.. hehex... da lurh .. 
hmm.. btw.. thnkx fer the song tat yuh gave to m.. im so touched by iit ... hmm ..
thnkx k .. hmm ... ii really appreciate iit .. ii hope our relationship cn last long.. bt ... if yuh keep on gg with the same attitude... ii realy dnt noe wad 2 say.. haiish
k lurhh nyh je lurh ii wanna update update soon..

||FyFy bbhy PamPered ||

The title is of this songs. Is produce by a girl named fyfy. Which is also my bestie, she gaved me an inspiration to write this songs. As i asked her if she got any title. She said 'Memori bersama'. then i started to sings. lalalala.. Then i got this lyrics. Its just happen to come out of my mind. HOPE KORANG ENJOY..

Title: Memori Bersama

hati kini... ingin mengenali..
dirimu.. lebih mendalam..
kerana hati.. telah jatuh cinta..
pada dirimu..

setelah.. aku mengenalimu..
kau pulak yang berubah..
kau tinggalkan aku..
untuk si dia..

sayang.. ku ingin bertanya..
sewaktu kita bercinta.. adakah..
kau setia.. ataupon kau hanya
ingin permainkan aku..

aku kini mengimbas kembali...
kenangan aku bersamamu..
untuk mencari.. kesalahanku.
terhadap dirmu...

memori kita bersama..
kini aku sangat.. menghargai..
kerana kau.. lahhh.. yang selama ini..
aku sayangi.. aku tak ingin pergi jauh darimu..

if this songs.. come out, i will sings for eu live..

this is a songs. i dedicated to my Girl

Title: Pertama Kali

Bila pertama kali...
ku mengenali.. dirimu..
kau selalu.. mendiam..
kan dirimu..

Bila pertama kali...
kau bersuara.. ku takot..
akan kehilangan... dirimu.

kaulah bidadari.. hatiku..
kaulah permaisuri.. diriku..
kaulah yang takkan pernah ku..

Hanya pada dirimu.. ku mengadu kasih..
mencari cinta.. bersama. aku perlukan..
kau.. selalu disampingku...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

its my own songs- Oh Ibu created on nov 5

before i start to put the lyrics here. i would like to say some words.
this is the first songs. i wrote for my mom and when i tried to sing. its gave me the impression. cause, its about my old life. when i was the person named fiiqo. gangster.!! this songs also i wrote then when i was in a hurry going to wdls. i got arrested by police.

Title: Oh Ibu

oh ibu...
janganlah engkau bersedih...
aku tak ingin melihat..
kau bersendirian... diri..

oh ibu...
maafkan lah... dosaku..
yang selama ini..
ku lakukan.. terhadapamu..

ku rindu... kan kasih...
sayang mu..
yang selama ini.. kau..
curang.. terhadapaku..

aku kini... mengharap..
kau dapat memaafkan..
dan.. memberiku..
kasih dan sayang..

just fer mirrul

soo dissapointed

TRIME KASIH BNYK2 R EYH MIRRUL .... KAW DA UAT GINIE MCM KT AKU ... KAW DA MCM NK KATE KN YG APE AKU UAT UNTK KAW SKRG NYH MMG SIE2 JE.... TK GUNE.. KN!! DA URH MIRRUL .... AKU DA TKNK DGR LAGII R.. KAW KATE KAW KENE DARE... BUT KNAPE KAW KENE IKT N LYN KN DRG ??? CUKOP R MIRRUL .... tkmo nk saket kn atii fyfy lagii ... da cukop ngn ape mirrul da uat slame nyh .. fyfy da tk nk dgr lagii pape... cukop... enough is enough.. thnkx fer hurting my feelings.. ONCE AGAIN.......

||fyfy pampered||

having fun



in times i had changed

i had never once felt so damn weak. its been months im sick. i can feel the pressure of dying. what i know is that. this is the punishment of what God is treating me. for being bad to mother and father. in malay, kalw anak derhaka. mak sumpah akan jadi kan. so agaknya ini adalah sumpahan nya. kerana aku selalu gado gn dia jek. gan ayah. aku takkan pernah lagk. pasal aku dah giveup on him la. dia takot gan aku aper? mama dan ayah selalu pikir pasal duit aku jek. aku tau kdg2 mama checked bilik aku. see for my money. masih banyak ke sikit. ayah suroh aku gi kerja. ape nie? dia takkan pernah tau, aku ada kes and sakit lah. pasal aku tak pernah rapat gan dia. kalw aku bebaik gan dia.. dia akan control aku. suroh aku gi kerja. buat ini semua. marah-marah aku. aku dah besar, aku tahu lah camne nak buat. semalam kat bukit panjang. ?(senja) guardian. aku curik laughing gas. orang kedai tuhh pon tak nampak aku. dia suspek yang kawan aku amik and curik. aku rilek ajek.. walaupon, actually ada salesgirl. tapi takkan dia taktau. yang aku bebual kuat2. lagik ley tunjuk kawan aku. aku tnye kuat2 ini ehk? in eng lah. then aku slowly letak dlm suar aku.. hahahah.. aku da biasa. tapi aku takkan mencuri lagik

just fer yuh mirrul



im here to say that.. 

fyfy da uat kn lagu n chatbox in ur blog tau.. 


njoys yea

gonna treasure hym always ..

ii really treasure my besties name mirrul .. hmm .. well.. dyer kate skrg tgh tunggu malaikat maut dyer.. haiish... aku btl2 shyg kn dyer... hmm he is like my own brother.. hmm ii really dnt wanna lose hym....
having a fren/bro lioke hym is great ... when im down he cheer me up... when im moody he is always der 2 bright up my day .. haiish.. tapii.. now ii think ii gonna lose hym soon ... mirrul slalu bbl mepeq2.. kate dyer nk matii.. fyfy btl2 tk suke haiish ..... knape lurh sume besties aku yg aku shyg suke tgl kn aku srg2.. hmmm ... haiish da lurh ii really dnt wanna continue this story... ii wanna cry ... haiish... mirrul .... thnkx fer everthing.. ii dnt think yuh need me lagii kn .. 
haiish.. da lurh slmt tinggal semue.. slmt tinggal mirrul
oh yea btw... ii cume admire yuh as a fren je tk lebiih .. hmmm....... jgn slh sange k ... hmmmm toodles ....


||FyFy PamPereD||

Friday, December 10, 2010

i treasure her

after long knowing a girl named fyfy. i treasure her so much. until my secrets, i kept on telling to her. cause i promise not to keep my promise to a person that i trust most. she is the person that light my days. each and everyday. without her. my mind is gone. i lost everything. she changed my life and make me moved on. eventhough, i still had  to wait for my case to be handle at court. dont know when. she create for me. this blog. althought, its different from people. as no music and chatbox. i dun know how to update and do blog. all i know is, writing about my life. so i am thanking her for this.i would like to take good care of her. since now, i am sick. doctor said, that i would not get well soon. but i must not keep it a secret. i couldnt keep anything to her. cause i know her well.. Mirrul sayangkan Fyfy. but mirrul akan pergi. berusaha untuk memulihkan hati ini. and kesakitan yang selama ini mirrul alami
Mama dan abah tak pernah pedulikan Mirrul. Dorang pentingkan duit mirrul saje. like ayah kata, mirrul ayah nak perlukan duit. so he asked me to and worked.!! wtf!! i am not the son. cause i am the last son.
so it is not my duty to find work. as i am still schling. i dun wanna go work. cause, i still on pending court kes. my father dont know. cause i wont tell him. mama tak kasi beritahu. cause, tkt dia berhenti kerja.
tapi pape pon. aku berjanji, akan solve this matter alone la. cause, aku tknk korng merana tanpa aku.
Aku nye kesalahan means aku nye pasal lah..!! dun nid to help me. if eu dun willing to do!!

iim happy fer mirrul ..

hey ppl.. hmm... iim happy fer mirrul now.. he say hys getting engaged ...hmm.. well... ntah la nyh mamat.. kjp ye kjp tk.. hahax... klaka lurh tgk dyer nyh .. hmm.. hahax... blueq! hahax.. but pape pn iim happy fer hym... fyfy pampered always doa kn mirrul happy2 always.. hahax.. hmm jgn hurt ur tayank tau lau da engaged .. hmm ... pape pn fyfy will always b ur sincere n truthful fren .. hmm .. well.. pape jgn lurh lupe fyfy pampered ..hmm.. fyfy will wait fer yuh .. hmm ok...
hmm happy happy always mirrul .. hehex.. k lurh me end here je lurh esk me update lagii k,... hahacx.. bye2

I got An illness for Alot of months since i after ramadhan

at 3pm, tell mama. fiiqo taknk makan uhk makan tuhh.. i am sick. da berapa hari. i am just lemah. i cannot eat alot. i can only stay at home. sometimes i come out, i would feel tired or annoyed with people around me. i dun know whye? how am i got this kind of illnesses. but reached at clementi polyclinic. it was my first time, i dun know what to do.  how to find the room. payment and where the counter to take queue num for medicine. i asked people. until two minah. see me and smile. luckily, i was with my mother. as my numbered was called. i told the doctor about my sickness. he check everything. lastly, he told and asked me. whether i brushed my teeth. there got blood or not. and told me. i was having dengue fever. i said no. he asked me come again after finishing my medicine. hopefully, i wont die sooner.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

today story that ii wanna tell yuh guys..

today ii wen out with my aunt , mummy , sdare & my sdare2 go jln2 at Jusco.. hmmm buy alot of things too. hehex.. hmm.. well.. ii even bought a expensive bag .. hmm i'll show yuh the picture ltr on after i had update the whole thing ok.. hehex.. hmm.. well.. kindda fun lurh.. buy this n det.. hahax..  ok ok.. enough bout the shopping .. iif ii wer to story iit.. iit will nvr end ii guess hahax... well.. ii have a story to tell yuh guys ..iim soo irritate about mirrul .. haiish he had hys piercing done on hys ear... idk wen bt ii noe he has iitt.. ii really dnt liike iit actually .. hmm well.. now he say he gonna have another piercing soon .. omg!! i dnt lyke iit.. mirrul! iif yuh wanna continue to pierce here n der .. pls do leave me.. n doont ever cntct me agaiin... n ur piercing that yuh have noow.. pls.... close iit ..ii reallly dnt lioke iit .. hmm.. plss lurh mirrul.. pls close iit k.. no more pierciing k.. hmm... ii really luv yuh as my brother.. ii dnt 1 yuh 2 ruin ur life agaiin plss lurh mirrul. haiish.... hmm.. hope yuh cn change........

btw ppl.. here is the picture of the bag that me n mummy bought

sorry about the blur image .. 

|❤| FyFy PamPereD|❤|

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I will Make Sure tHat we last forever

hahhax. from what i read on your post, i think i am not that kind of person. who love being attention seeker.
sorry uhk, mirrul da matured la. da tk main niek smue uhk. buat-buat cerita semua ohkay. i am not a pompan lah. i am truthful guy who love helping people. walaupon dulu mirrul gangster. i still help my friends. cause i know gangster meant nothing to me. i started joining because i was force to. from there, we learnt to learn boxing. everytime, i saw my enemy, i was always asked for fight. 2yrs, mirrul kene pukul semua. but pikir-pikir balik. masok baju or design is nothing. korang takkan dapat pape. dorang akan waste duit korang aje. takkan pernah tolong kau. kalau kau tolong dia pon. dia akan mintak kau bayar duit tambang teksi. until when now. i get to know a girl named fyfy. i can still remember how i get to know her. i was at imesh or bearshare music playlist. then i saw her profile. i added her. then from there we know each other. suddenly, i was irritated because she on off her imesh. then i asked la. ur connection sucks. she was damn angry la. then i said buhbye la. i apologised all and wanting to be friends. then she said can. i know her well. everytyme i make her angry. she wont gvup on me. she would gv me chance. i am so proud to have a friends like eu. fyfy. and mirrul akan make this brader and sister treatment last forever. hopefullu, can meet you soon. mirrul pnya orng is friendly, tak suke gado-gado and tak pasal takde kawan kat skola or luar. be independent more fun. kawan boleh cari ape. bukan nye susah.
Mirrul akan tetap bersama FyFy 2010.
i dun want to lose eu. like i lose dayah. my favorite one in a million ex.
harap-harap fyfy pon pikir gitu lahh

Will frenship last ferever ?

hmm.. hey ppl.. ii really dnt noe bout this.. yuh noe.. as iim nort soo sure.. 
can a frenship last ferever ? hmm.. well.. ii had this fren of mine.. ii started being her fren since we wer in kindergarden... as my brother noes hys brother.. hmm well.. our frenship wen on well... but after ii've shifted house ,, we started to lost cntct .. after a 2-3 years of separatiion ,, we meet up agaiin .. thnkx to Allah.. hmm.. bt yuh noe.. we r all grown up ,, hehex.. hm. soo our frenship still wen on well.. but whad make our frenship nort well/unstable .. iis when she try to accuse me things det is nort rhyte... hmmm .. ii dnt  really mind if she keep accusing me fer whad im nort doiing.. but whad make me frustrated with her is .. when last tiime.. ii stead with this 1 guy name JUFRI (jup) well .. yes me n hym had a complicated relationship before.. but! we r still ok .. n happy.. after that.. 1 day... ii broke up with jup.. and ii was like eyh.. WTH! .. hmmm ii had a quarrelling thingy with jup.. after some times.. we getting bttr to be frens... hmm.. well.. ii still remember whad ii ask hym last tiime.. ii ask hym whye did he ask fer a broke up.... he said that ... my childhood fren said ii had another guy.. ii wanna bustered jup.. and that is totally NORT TRUE @ ALL .. iim soo frustrated with that gerl till ii really wanna create a big game fight with her.. omg!! she is soo asking fer trouble.. hmm ... well whadever it is... ii really cnt ferget iit.. ii noe her fer 11-12 years... but she iis soo a ATTENTIION SEEKER... hmm.... ii really hate her fer now! hmm n ferever gonna nate her..
ii really hope mirrul is nort liike this gerl im talking about.. hmm ..... mirrul,, hmm well.. ii cn see that he will nort be like that bitchy gerll hmm.. iim soo hurt b y her siia.. hahax.. whad ever lurh  ...  mirrul.. hope yuh treat me well... haiish... but cn our frenship last ferever ? hmmmmmm insya'allah lurh dgn izin allah kiite blh kekal n kite nye persahabatan eyh (:: 
fyfy love mirrul muchy muchy.. hehex..
mirrul jgn lupe me taw... fyfy shyg my bro named mirrul.... 
|❤| FyFy PamPereD |❤|

Aku Makin Lemah

Tiap hari aku makin lemah, badan aku seperti da tak berfungsi lagi. Aku tak ada selera nak makan. Aku sukar untuk keluar rumah. Hanya di rumah sahaja aku lepak dan buat ape yang patut. Ya Allah, adakah ini cobaan dan derita harus aku alami. Selama beberapa bulan, aku derhaka kepada ibu dan ayah. Bila aku dahulu jahat. Aku memang tak patot bersikap demikian. Memukul ayah dan ibu, tapi aku terpaksa. Sekarang bila aku sedar. Setelah lama bersikap jahat, tarikh 2nov 2010. pukul 830mlm. Bila sahaja aku balik dari doctor. Aku masuk bilik. Bila dengar ibu aku balik. Aku terus keluar, sujud kepada dia. Aku menangis dan aku tak ingat pape. Setelah itu, aku kembali masuk ke bilik tidur ku. Sambung chat. Tiba-tiba, aku menjadi orang baru. Aku lupa semua kesalahan yang telah lama aku lakukan. Keesokkan hari nya, aku bebaik dgn ibu dan ayah. Aku berkongsi rokok dgn ayah. Kerana pada masa itu, aku ada 10 kotak rotak berlainan. Sebernya 26, tapi bila aku lepak kat yishun. Aku sudah kongsi dgn kawan2 di sana. Seorang satu 5 kotak lah. Aku pon amik lah. Balik jek, hari-hari aku isap rokok itu berlainan. Sehingga lah, aku jatuh sakit lagik. Empat hari selepas bebaik dgn ibu dan ayah. Aku ditangkap oleh 4 transcom police di jurg east mrt station. Itulah yang membuat kembali kejahatan diriku kembali. Make me remember what done i had done!
Duduk dalam lockup selama 24jam. Makanan semua macam sial. Air macam air kencing. Pahit rasanya. Nak tido sahaja, police kejot2. Dalam pukul 3am. Aku keluar bail dan pulang ke rumah.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


hahahhaha, just wanna update something about myself. i am quite friendly. as most people know me well.. hahhaha.. just love disturbing people. but seriously, sometimes if i over react to you all. i know i didnt meant to do it. so i am saying sorry to you all. i dont want give you all more stress. so i am taking this opportunity to say sorry people..
now, i gonna talk about this mirrul name. i am sorry that i had to use fiiqo name. cause its was my memories. that where my ex stay near fico sport club. slowly by then im addicted to that name. that girls name was Dayah, she meant alot to me. she teaches me more about love. when i met her. she always smile.
But now i am changing my name. to this girls name fyfy. She is my special friends who had been there for me.. i can tell some only people what is my real name. if they are my special friends. cause i dun like to pass around my real name.
mirrul anggp fyfy tkkn spread around ohkay.. sayang fyfy pampered  2010..

i am now just slacking and writing blog, chatting, eating sweets and listening songs.. nak makan..??
mama masak nasi gorend. i dun like.. nant baru makan..  fion[a]mirrul


heyloo my dearest dears out derr ,, hw r yuh guys out der ? hmm well as fer me iim fiine ,, hehex.. now sitting outside the house slacking rmaii2 dgn my aunt n my sedare n my mummy n adq sume .. hehex... while slacking ... nga chat ngn mirrul (fiko) hmm.. whye i call hym mirrul ? well.. hys name is amirrul actually .. bt he liike ppl to call hym fiko... and! idnt like iit.. after ii get to know hys real name ,, ii start to call hym mirrul .. 4 me it is more bttr fer hym 2 use hys name mirrul.. frankly speaking ,, ii hate it when he use fiko... ii love iit when he uses mirrul ,, hmm.. well ,, idk lurh eyh... suits hym lurh ,, nanarq paksee2 lurh ,, hmm ,, lantarq dyer nk pkaii name ape ,, hmm.. bt fer me.. if cn ii want hym 2 use MIRRUL.. more bttr .. haiish.. hahax.. well. im here soo boreed.. hmm.. k lurh.. nk chat ngn my hunney bunney lurh.. mirrul!! lets chat...

~FyFy PamPereD~

thanks for accepting my forgiveness

setelah dimaafkan oleh seseorang insan bernama fyfy pampered. hati ini tak dpat bayangkan. ku ingin mengenalimu lebih dalam. i am sowie that i didnt know what is urs sensitive part. i know i love to joke around. cause, im all alone. i love my friends. although sumtimes, i kept on being bullied or hurt by them. kept on fighting and getting into trouble in school. i also doesnt care abt who is being friends with me anymore. now i had graduated sec 4. i am so relief that i can now had more friends outside. rather then in school. nothing is and boring. so im really am thanking to this friends of mine. name fyfy pampered. she is the only friends that is loyal to me. although, sumtimes i like to disturb her. she will always tried to be the same person and make my days goes well. i like sharing my problem to her. cause she would give me an advice. we both had a deal. and we also promise that we wouldnt, make each other lost contact. so i am trying not  to go in and make defeat. if im going to the court. waiting for my io to call me. as the police officer said, the io will call you by this months. but i dont know when. then i will always remember you. please. i wont go in.!! i promise you. fyko akan ttp bersama gan fyfy. as the best best friendds ever.
Hopefully you wont lost contact and forget Me
:: FYko gdBOiii

shud ii fer giive hym ??

hmm ppl... shud ii fergiive fyqo fer hys wrong doiing this tyme ??? shud ii give hym another chance ? hmm.. well .. i really dnt noe lurh... ii noe hee love to play around ... jokes around.. hmm .. but ii also dnt noe whye m ii soo sensitive .... hmm.. well yes iim a sensitive gerl.. hmm.. i also dnt noe lurh ppl.. haiish... fiko is nice... he make me move on 2.. but sometimes.... he just cnt control how he jokes with ppl.. hys a sweet guy hu love hys fren.... hmm he noe hw 2 take gd care of hys fren.. bt at certain time hys mind izs in hys own LALA LAND.. hmm.. well.. i've think bout iit oweady... and ii think ii will fergiive hym.. but he did iit agaiin.. he gonna get iit froomm miie... hmm

fiiko... ii fergive yuh... ok... shyg fiko...

|❤| FyFy PamPereD |❤|

Monday, December 6, 2010

i miss being with her.. she light my day. she even make me smile. although i make her angry. she would always tried to treat me well. now, when she is gone. and i dont have anyone else. i kept on thinking abt what i had done to her. she's changed my life. i thank her for making me the real fiiqo. who had realised the mistakes that he had done. all this while. i know now you are angry with me. please!! fiiqo am really sorry.

i will try to make you smile. i still dont want to lose you as my friends. who always be there for me. i realised now, without you. i cant complete my life. i will start to forget everything i had done. but i think now, i shouldnt just rely on you. i do better changed to see how well i can prove to you. that i had changed to fiiqo goodboii.. hahha.. i am kneeling down to you. asking for forgiveness. please, im begging you. do not, leave me alone. i got no one else to teach and be there for me. when i got trouble. please fyfy, fiiqo mintak maaf lahh.

fyko sayang kamu

maafkan aku, fyfy. aku cuma tkot kalau nanti aku masok. aku kehilangan dirimu. aku memang hargai kitorang as kawan. tapi tiap hari aku pikirkan masalah aku. aku tknk kau melupakan aku sahaja. kau lahh cahaya ku. yang selama ini. memberiku kesempatan untuk hidup. tanpamu, aku da kehilangan semuanya. yeah, memang salah aku. buat kau marah, aku pon tahu selama ini, aku sebagai kawan kau, aku hanya ingin kau bahagia. aku ingin jugak meminta  maaf atas kesilapan aku. berikan lahh aku peluang untuk melihat cinta. aku dah memang anggap kau sebagai kawan karib aka adik bradik ku. walaupon aku tiada adik bradik. aku btol2 menyesal. kehilangan kau sebagai kawan ku. ku ingin menembusi dosa-dosa ku. aku tknk kau tau, biarlah ingin menjadi rahsia.
maafkan aku fyfy. aku akan tetap akan berusaha untuk kuar dari kes aku ini. i will do  what is right and what im gonna do. cause i know, i did nothing wrongs. i will never admit defeat eventhough i had to face the consequences myself

Fiiqo sayang kamu selalu

frustrated with fiiko

hmm... im totally frustrated with this guy name FIKO BARNEY!! argh!! always wanted to make me angry.. OMG! dyer kate dyer nk msk dlm ddk!... waliiaw.. dyer pk aku nyh kt sinie sape ? iim hys besties siia... eyh! WTF! den he say he just play2.. OMG! fiko iif yuh thing yuh wanna hurt my feelings.. go ahead r!!! n yuh will nvr c me cntctiing yuh or anything with yuh again.... URGH! stop iit siia.!! da r.. pape r eyh.... lau kaw pk kaw nk uat aku ginie thnkx.. nk gurau leyh gurau r eyh... bt jgn nk mlampau r law peyh gurau .. sdh r.. tkde muud r.. do ignore fer this coming 2-3 days... OK!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~FyFy PamPereD~

To Kawan Karib FyFy

yeah.. memang.. kitorang da macam adik bradik. i know i got sumtymes treat eu badly. when im on the phone with you. cause i love to disturb people. macam mane korng slalu kacaw fiiqo.. hahah kata teko lah. tikos lah.. hahha.. lagy2 kene kacau dgn fyfy and ur kakak sedara. hahah.. its was fun. but i dont know whye. i couldnt live with my other siblings. but i dont care. as i love being and staying alone for the past three years. i know i had done wrong to my parents. to fyfy, yeah i hope fiiqo and fyfy akan dapat lahh kekal as kawan karib or now as adik bradeq.. haha. i still cannot forget how the first time i get to know you. fiiqo kacau fyfy about ur internet kan.. by saying that your internet is lousy, then eu started being angry with me. scolding me and not wanting to chat with me. then i didnt know what to do. i kept on pastering you. by saying that i am really am sorry..
by then you forgive me, we are known as kawan karib. hahha.. we share the momentom together. hahha.. if you are free,
please do meet me. in Singapore ohkay. Not in Malaysia.. hahah.. just joking lor.. fiiqo where got passport. or money to meet you. go overseas..
Love ya,
Fiiqo Barney 1989

Talking about Love.. Hmmm

hey ppl.. hmm my beluved besties iis talking bout LOVE! hmm .. well.. he is hurt by the gerl name Dayah as ii wad ii noe ... hmm well.. idk lurh ppl... whye some ppl liike to hurt others.... haiish.. if other ppl hurt them.. whad will they feel ? ii really dnt noe whye this type of ppl still have this type of attitude... hmm... soo kechiioohh... ppl hurt me many tymes.. hmm.. psl ape tau.. psl slalu aku bnyk saket kn atii drg sume... now aku kene aleq.. hmm... aku da tau mcm mane rase nye dipermainkan... kechiian aku tengok fiko.... hmm naseb lurh aku ade .. kdg dyer ngadu kt aku jgk psl dyer ade prob lurh this n dhet.. hmm.. ciian jgk tgk.. hmm.. but as a fren.. we shud support hym n advice hym..... ii really love all my frens... hmm...haviing a fren liike fiko is great.. yuh guys wanna noee whye ? hmm... well... he is a special fren to me bcs.. he treat me well.. he understand me... hmm.. kite da mcm adq bradeq pn ade ii tell yuh hahax.. well.. same age lurh.. cnnt salah kn.. hmmm.. ii really hope fiko geet a gerl that will love hym more than they love them self.. n can take gd care of fiko.. ii really hope soo yuh noe.. hmm... iif he is in luv oweady.. ii also hope dyer tkkn lupe aku as kwn dyer... and aku harap pmpn dyer tkkn saket kn atii dyer.. iif he complaint 2 me anything hmm ciiap luurh org 2... mestii kene,... hahax... liike fierce only. hahax.. well... ii just dnt 1 anyone 2 hurt my BESTIES... FIKOBARNEY....
ok lurh.. nk cambong chatting....

Ku Kehilangan Segala Nya

Let me tell you something about love.?? I had once felt so happy in a relationship. I had never once believe in love. Cause all i know is love is about being with someone that you really love. After so many years, i been heartbroken and after knowring different girls. Who make fun of my love. But its ohkay, its just a lesson to me. As that time, i didnt know too. People asking for stead to me. And i just accept lor. But i can only feet the pain after being treated badly. As so many people i stead with, i also cannot find the real love. Until i know a girls named, "Dayah'. We know each other thru her cousin. Who passed her num to me. Cause she said, Dayah is finding a guy. To be with.. So i agreed to msg2 with her. That time, i was also working at KFC at taman jurg near SuperBowl. Everynight, after i finished working. We would always talk on the phone. As she slept late, waiting for me. To reach home safely. But when sumtimes, she didnt called me. I felt so damn lonely. i know her during june holidays 2008. Till the months of after hari raya. Met her, then we lost contact. After a few weeks.. I tried to find her and mit her. But i couldnt.. Until now, when i saw her with other guy. Im felt proud and happy. Cause she had forgetten me.. But the memories i remember about her is that. She would always called me and informed me. When she's busy. She just wont stopped. Calling me. How i hope she would come back for me..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fyfy Pampered Here

hey people ,, iim fyfy pampered.. fiko's bestfren ,, hmm well ,, iim here 2 update hys 1st blog update ,, hehexx... ok lurh ntg 2 update ,, TOODLES!!