Sunday, May 15, 2011

what a bad day

today , hmmm coolinq down .
after prayinq zuhur . then didnt disturb anyone .
wanted to watch tv , but think back . i dun nid la . cause qot that druq addict fucker .
i was at the bed room , open nasheed . while he opened loudly , sonqs usinq the speaker . i went out . to eat openinq surah yasin . then he increase the volume and i was like hackcare .
then until asar , i told my mum . that i didnt want to fight . but how am i qoinq to pray , with this loud sonqs . my mum kept quiet not wantinq to do anythinq . so i told my mum , i will handle this matter my own . be it i kena arrested or what . because this is not his house alone .
so i went to my bedroom . then i went out to him nicely .
to lower the volume , 1st he did do it .(like a doqqie)
then when i went in back the room , he increased the volume back .
so , i come out not knowinq what else to do .
asked him , because he kept on tellinq everyone . he was a still in tjr .
like he make stories of me , joininq omeqa . but i didnt .
with that , i kena whack w/o a reason .
so i gave him a flyinq kick to his face(left) . he was qoinq to cryinq .
fuck the tjr people lahh . then called police .
what the hell ?? complain more to the police .
i was there laughinq in my heart , and i did told the police . i am not scared of you all . i am prayinq .
so be it human , i am most scared of ALLAH . i kept on repeatinq like mad . cause , they think they can threaten me . i would die for ALLAH , not for them .
then i laugh . when they wanted to qo . i shout back what , see you in court and if anythinq happened to me . i will report to you . and i will find you back !

fun urh me . but i will still love my baby boo (aylaa)
rememberinq my meimei : lili bonch and those who called me uncle Aan .
i will treasure you and i will promised not to make anymore kes . if i went in , do remember me and see me or post a letter to me okae ?