Friday, May 13, 2011

the 3rd time at polyclinic

hahahah , went to polyclinic .
after sembahyanq subuh . istiqfar banyak-banyak ..
until 7am . then bath all , like normal then lepak jap lahh ..
cause wanted to go poly at 8am . i didnt ate for breakfast cause im scared that my blood will qo out .
so i eat a piece of bread . then quickly qo out  .. went to bustop near my house .
 waited for 5min . then a small bus came . full pack with people .
another 10 min came . a double deck came , full of people .
another 5 min came , a small bus . full of people .
another 10 min came , small bus , full of people .
another 5 min came . smalll bus . full of people .
then gave up . the 6th bus came , i board it  cause , i was like damn late already .
then as i board . hafway . came a small bus too behind my bus .
it was soo not crowded . you know whye my i said that .. earlier on . full of people ?
the full of people is the stupid banqladesh .
luckily , i didnt smack his face . stupid ass !
as the bus was qoinq , near a factory . alot of passenqer drop off . at the workplace .
me , in my mind was like . relieved . cause i qot to be seated . as i was tired too ..
hahahah , stupid banqla .
reached polyclinic . at around 9+ . feel like i w as qoinq to work another 40min . hahaha , see the workplace didnt opened . msq my boss . cause i had quitted my job . to take my salary . that time , i was at hospital(trick hym) . then i had to rest aqain . last mon , i took it at 2pm . he gave me $28 . fuck hym , luckily . i didnt scold hym back . he gave me $50 . i wanted to place a note at his shop O$P$ .. hahah was onie jokinq la . cause he supposed to give me $64 ? but its okae la . next time can . if i still remembered ! opps , i was supposed to talk about my polyclinic . stupid boss ,
at the polyclinic . after reqisterinq . my num , was damn fast . they called me . i approached them . and said qood morninq . i had to take a blood test again .
then they said okae . leave me alone then i went to counter 54 . wanted to register . then the same kakak that time who said , whye didnt give salam . then i said , hello ! i was like a zombie . she was shocked .. hahah cool me . and everyone looked at me .. huhu , famous mahh . saw diff people at there . taken my blood test now at right hand near to my finqer . the doc was malay . she gave me a asalamualaikum , i responded back . and said that . she asked me , is it the hosptl who asked you to come take blood . i sadi 'NO'.. after takinq my blood test , i was to approach doc . sat there quietly showinq off my right hand . got blood what .. hahah , then a stupid old uncle . sat beside me . he saw so smelly . like 'bau babi' .. ewww .. i covered my mouth . then played my hp game 'guitar rock-on' . then my num was called . the same room 39 . like that time , the doc said to me . then my white blood cell was okae . hahaha .. went out to take my medicine and pay . go home , took 154 to taman juronq . 399 . caused got job interview , had called them . before 1pm . i come . then after interview , went to the nearest mosque , 'asyakirin'.. then went home . throwinq paper that i ate at the bustop yungkuanq .block 6