Wednesday, March 16, 2011

cannot sleep

waking up so damn early , cause cannot sleep .. open my eyes then to see whether she would be there . buht she wasnt. had a nightmare abt her .. wantinq to let me off . buht ai tried to prevent her , she fade away .. oh ALLAH , dont yu separate us away .. cause ai just cant stop thinking of her ... every sinqle minit a seconds .. she is mine others half .. if she isnt with me , ai would die .. ALLAH , ai will try to chanqe my life for her .. ALLAH , dont yu cared and wanna see me happie ?
ai hope when ai went to NS , she would not flirt around and leave me all alone . cause , she's the only one .. in my heart .. tearinq come-inq slow down now , as ai think of her ,,.. cant forget what we had done and what we are doinq .. try-inq not erase the moments of sadness and happiness with her .. that GIRLS !!! THAT GIRLS , named AYLAA !!

past and present she is the only one that ai want ...
please ai hope , my wish would come true ,
like what ai said ...
tiada ada yanq lain dapat memisahkan kita ..
tuhan telah menemui jodoh kita ...
jikau pintar perpisahan .. tiada laqy patah perkataan inqin ku lafazkan ..
hanya kau dapat melihat tanqisan airmataku !!
that date 29 sept 10 !