Tuesday, April 5, 2011

i want ue

BHY , i promise to be with ue .
once ai said , i want eu . means , ii want eu alone la . dun ever leave me pls .
ii cant a second see ur face . ii love havinq ue by my side . ii understand ue .
but people around know me well . we are fated to be toqether bhy . trust me .
every sinqle daes , ai pray for eu . to come and said . ilysm aqaen .
althouqh , i dun owned the real parents . ai love eu . since the dae , ai knew eu .
ue make my daes qo hiqh . idc how eu look or what ur characters is .. ii just love ue and the person u r .
ii hope eu too can see me lovinq ue ..
hurtinq me . so be it . as lonq as ii can be with ue syq ..

sway sia

haish . todae is my sway dae . plan to pump my bicycle .
when to teban . to buy ice kacanq . the shop closed . then told my sis .
i want to qo and pump my bicycle . but idk la . cycle to pandan loop fuel station . then tried to pump .
my front tire . lose all its air . left with arnd 2 % . an uncle and one bro . tried to help . but couldnt also .
all indian quy . then ii qave up . wanted to qo back home . then one of the man said , 'adek , there is a nearby bicycle shop.' ai asked , is it far . how to walk . he said , west coast onie . carried my bicycle to the shop . and it was closed . then had to walk home while pushinq my bicycle to pandan qarden . luckily not teban qarden . if not , i dun want sia . rather throw that bicycle and steal a new one . pushinq my bicycle until pandan . was tired but didnt qiveup la . cause , im used to walkinq a far distance . in my mind , wanted to beat up banqla if they cycle near me la . or make an excuses then steal their bicycle . as the place was quite dark and quite . hahah , but dun want la . hehe ..
around 1009 like that reach pandan . walk around . tried to steal a new bicycle .
then like wth .. chanqed my mind . i dun want la . iqnored

Monday, April 4, 2011

fuckinq miss her

couldnt sleep well .. w/o her beinq my side everydae . w/o her sms .. haish . kept thinkinq wad to do . to qet her with me everydae .. haish , think this sickness was pass down by her la . cause , that time she was sick . then i huqqie her and ii tried to make herself cool la . but idw to qo doctor ..
heheh .. my fwens told me to . but , its all depend on me now . haish , smokinq - smokinq is bad for your health . nie last smokinq 'qudanq qaram ' then ai wanna stop . if my fwens qive me then ai will take a little onie la .

hate smokers ..
love life ...
forever ,
fiiqo jack-jack

me . me . me .

hahah , lonq time didnt update ..
so damn sick la .. hahah , must learn to keep myself fit and stress la ..
i need to find work sia . to support my own expenses .. hahah , cool kan .. fiiqo kuai kuai is back ..
known as jackjack .. alot of people love qivinq me nickname lain2 sakk .. cause , they say i'm sick wad ..
hahahah .. sowie la . tulis shortform cause , ai hate la .. now pon masih sakit niek . so yeah .. havinq sickness like . demam , flu and runninq nose .. sorethroat ..