Monday, January 3, 2011

hurt! hurt! hurt!

iim just hurt by my ex ,, yes ii still love hym ,, hys attched ,, so doo ii ,, but whye m ii hurt 2 c hys attched with someone else ? hmm ,, last tyme he cn accept me ,, bt now he slowly gonna fade away ,, haiish whad shud ii do without getting hurt by hym anymore ? haiish ,, ii really dnt noe wat to do ,, hmm yes hys my ex ,, bt hys my beluved ex ,, hmm well yes ii have 2 beluved ex ,, hys the 2nd 1 ,, hmm ,, ii just cnt ferget hym urh! its hard ,, haiish ,, ii really hope Allah gave me strength to go through all this challenge that He gave me ,, hmm my swet past tyme memory with hym is stll fresh in my mine ,, Ya Allah ,, pls guide me ,, whye must ii be like this ,, haiish ,, ii really dnt 1 2 suffer liike this all along ,, plss ,, haiish ,, whye must ii go through all this ,, *cryiing* ii hope hys happy urh *cryiing* ii just 1 the best fer hym ,, hope he will nort suffer lyke me although ii noe now he is ,, aku beserah kepade Yg Esa untok menentukn nye ,, hmmm ,,,really in a heart paiin now ,, ii tried 2 cheer up bt ii cnt ,, hmm ,, someone plss make me cheer up ,, haiish ,, bt idk whye no matter hw hard yuq try 2 cheer me up i'l nort cheer up ,, ii may be smiling bt deep inside iim damn hurt n sad,, haiish ,, how ii hope everything will end now,, haiish,, 

~FyFy c3p3t~